Monday 4 May 2009

The Fat Duck - The Middle Courses

The meal continues with a few more main-course type deliciousnesses. The following course was my favorite of the evening, the "Sound of the Sea." Quite cryptic on the menu, and they don't reveal what you're eating until after you finish it. So if you don't want to know, skip to the next photo, otherwise [spoiler alert!]. First of all, you put on the headphones from the ipod shuffle in the conch shell and listen to the sea as you eat some raw fish, seaweed, foam, and sand. The sand was what made this my favorite, as it was amazing and made from tapioca and fried baby eels. eels.

The next course was pretty fun as well, delicious but probably not my favorite of the evening. Still, better than I expected, given that it was a salmon poached in liquorice gel, and licorice is not my fave. A lot of flavors which were awesome though, like vanilla mayonnaise (along with artichokes and "Manni" olive oil).

And now the red meat of the evening in the form of Ballotine of Anjou Pigeon, Black Pudding "Made to Order," Pickling Brine and Spiced Juices. Yum.

To be continued...

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